

I am currently undertaking a project involving an assessment of our
current procedures for adding photocopied articles to the short loan
collection, which will also double as a piece of assessed coursework for
my MA Information and Library Management.
At present, we simply staple work together, assign a class number and
barcode, and put the work inside a simple individual folder to be loaned
out by students. This does mean that we can add items to the collection
quickly, but unfortunately even after relatively little use the staples
are removed by students and pages are mixed up or lost.
I would be most interested to find out how other libraries process
photocopied materials, and the advantages/disadvantages of differing
practices. Including, perhaps, time taken to add items to the
collection, durability of photocopies, any feedback from users, etc.
Many thanks for your help

Rachel Pearson
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Reservation/Short Loan Learning Resource Assistant
University of Central Lancashire LLRS