

The Visual Arts Data Service is pleased to announce a one-year feasibility
study, beginning October 2001, to investigate and pilot the creation of a
web-delivered National Fine Art Education Digital Collection.

The aim of the Collection is to serve as a showcase for high quality Fine
Art practice generated by alumni (both staff and students) from UK art
schools and institutes. The pilot will consist of approx. 200 works held
within 5-6 institutions, alongside the digitisation of the Council of
National Academic Awards Trust collection, which includes work by many
extremely significant figures, such as Henry Moore, Bridget Riley and
Richard Hamilton.

The project was proceeded in September 2001 by a survey of relevant works
held by member institutions of the Conference for Higher Education in Art &
Design, The University Museums Group and the National Association for Fine
Art Education.  Quality and relevance of works to be included in the
Collection will be ensured through a Hanging Committee drawn from the Fine
Art Education community.  The study will lead to guidance and models for
future expansion of the concept.

The project is being funded through the JISC DNER Learning & Teaching

For further information on the project please contact:

Polly Christie,
Fine Art Project Manager,
Visual Arts Data Service,
Tel: 01252 892807,
Fax: 01252 892725
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