

Most institutions have (or should have) some kind of harassment
policy as well as guidelines on appropriate usage of facilities.   This
is surely more appropriate than relying on software which is of
variable and contentious effect.   The fact that we have CyberPatrol
installed at my institution does not mean that my colleagues have
not extracted pornographic printouts from the student printer, or
had to break up groups of giggling twenty year olds delighted by
dubious email attachments.

On the 'accidental' issue (i.e. coming across offensive material by
mistake), proper education in Internet usage should surely help.
Instances I've come across of this happening have been with
people not aware of the importance, after using a search engine, of
looking at a URL and what's printed below it before merrily clicking
away.   Hate sites, like pornography, mostly seem to advertise
Chloe Stewart
The Learning Resource Centre
Kings Road
Reading College and School of Arts & Design
RG1  2HJ
(0118) 967 5078