

Apologies for cross posting


Libraries Without Walls 4
The Delivery of Library Services to Distant Users:
Distributed Resources - Distributed Learning

An international conference organised by CERLIM -
The Centre for Research in Library and Information Management

Aegean Island of Lesvos, Greece

14 - 18 September 2001
Cost GBP 345

The fourth Libraries Without Walls conference, to be held in
Lesvos, Greece from September 14th - 18th 2001, continues the
tradition of the LWW Conferences by bringing together international
perspectives on the delivery of library services to users distant from
the physical library. When the first LWW Conference was held in
1995, the focus was primarily on distance learning and
geographical dispersion. Since then, however, rapid advances in
the development of ICT (Information and Communications
Technologies) based infrastructures and services have led to a
situation where many library users now routinely access services
remotely - even when 'remotely' means 'within sight of the library
building'. As a previous conference attendee observed, "we are all
distance learners now".

LWW4 is concerned with innovative ways of delivering library services in this new environment. Papers may present the results of research or of innovative practice, for traditionally LWW is a meeting place for researchers
 and practitioners. Papers are invited which address the following themes, but papers on any aspect of 'Libraries without Walls' will be considered.


- The role of libraries in supporting lifelong learning.
- The role of libraries in supporting distance and open learning.
- Libraries' role in the development of information skills by remote users.
- Technical and managerial solutions to providing remote access to large collections of datasets, including the design of portals and gateways.
- Design issues in the delivery of online services, including web interface design.
- Specific solutions to problems created by technology e.g. authentication, security.
- Collaborative approaches, especially between librarians and others (e.g. teachers).
- Strategic and policy dimensions, including national and regional perspectives.
- Meeting the needs of disadvantaged users and non-users.

All papers will be considered by a panel of independent referees.

Papers will be published by Library Association publishing, London, in the LWW Conference Series.

Presentations may take the form of full papers or workshop presentations of 40 minutes. To be considered please submit an abstract (between 400 and 800 words) together with a 50 word biographical statement and a 50 word s
ynopsis of the paper. Please send submissions, preferably by email (as text rather than an attachment), to the address below by 2nd March 2001. Applicants will be informed whether their submissions have been selected duri
ng April 2001.

Please note that, as the conference does not aim to make a profit, we are unable to offer discounted conference rates to presenters.

All enquiries should be addressed to the organisers:

Libraries Without Walls 4 Conference
Centre for Research in Library & Information Management (CERLIM)
Department of Information and Communications
Manchester Metropolitan University
Geoffrey Manton Building
Rosamond Street West
off Oxford Road
M15 6LL
United Kingdom

Email: [log in to unmask]
Tel: ++44 (0)161 247 6142
Fax: ++44 (0) 161 247 6979

To make a provisional booking, please provide the information below:-

I wish to make a provisional booking for the conference only
I wish to make a provisional booking for the conference and submit a paper
(delete as appropriate)

Surname .........................  First names .....................

Position  ..........................................................

Organisation  ......................................................

Address  ...........................................................



Telephone .........................  Fax  .........................

Email  ..............................

A separate booking form with instructions for payment will be
forwarded to you on receipt of this form.

January 2001