

Time to take a look, if you havn't yet visited the re-vamped LAMIT web
site. It also has a catchy new address -

Along with the improved graphics and navigational aids we have recently
added a keyword search facility and news feed. Follow the links to
register for the online version of the groups journal MmIT. More new
features will follow.

Please use the feedback form to let us know what you think, and what you
would like to see as part of the site in the future.

Jane Rowlands
BMA Library
Tel: 0207 383 6737
Fax: 0207 388 2544
E-Mail [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]

Jane Rowlands
BMA Library
Tel: 0207 383 6737
Fax: 0207 388 2544
E-Mail [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]