

If you would like to review for Education for Information then please reply
- first come first served basis.

Current offerings are:

The wired world - an introduction to the theory and practice of the
information society - James Dearnley and John Feather

The myth of the paperless office - Abigail Sellen and Richard Harper

Anyone who does a review gets to keep the book - I will provide information
on what is required.


Ian Murray
Book Review Editor
Education for Information

Ian R Murray, Lecturer
Director, Undergraduate Programmes & Programme tutor,
Information and Computing
Dept. of Information Science
Loughborough University,Loughborough,Leicestershire, LE11 3TU UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 223068 Fax: +44 (01509) 223053
email: [log in to unmask]