

        Could anyone supply us with the following:

        TITLE             CHANNEL       DATE            TIME
        Welcome To Britain,   BBC1,     17.09.01,       22:35 to 23:15
        Welcome To Britain,   BBC1,     24.09.01,       22:35 to 23:15
        Racism,                 Channel 4,      24.09.01        19:50 to 20:00
        Love in Oldham,         Channel 4,      24:09:01,       22:00 to 23:05
        Riot                    Channel 4       25.09.01        19:50 to 20:00
        Relationships   Channel 4       26.09.01        19:50 to 20:00
        Colour          Channel 4       27.09.01        19:50 to 20:00

We will provide tapes or if preferred we will reimburse the sender for the cost
of the tapes.

Please reply to:

Annette Lawrence
Assistant Librarian (Resources)
Lancaster University Library

email address:  [log in to unmask]