

First I'd like to thank everybody who responded to my
request for information on recording the amount of time
spent on preparing information skills sessions.

As we suspected there is no simple answer to this. Your
responses posed many more questions than they answered!
Some of you are grappling with the same problem but others
questioned whether it was worth doing at all. One thing
everybody seemed agreed upon is that the preparation time
is far greater than the contact time with students.

Some felt that the only solution was to ask staff to keep
more accurate figures of preparation time. Somebody
suggested a form for recording this information.

Others felt it would be almost impossible to collect any
meaningful statistics in this area. The question of what
counts as preparation was raised.  Sorting out room
bookings, photocopying, contacting academic staff,
"thinking time" and follow-up activities such as marking
were suggested and I think we could all add to this list.

Those people who questioned the reason for collecting the
statistics in the first place asked "who wants them and
why?", suggesting that we might measure them because we
are able to do so, and not necessarily because it tells us
anything useful. However some felt such statistics might be
useful when looking at staff workload problems, and
answering the question "what exactly do subject librarians
do anyway?" In addition, staff might benefit from recording
statistics as they would be actively forced to consider how
much time they spend and how to cut it down.

An important issue is that senior management are made fully
aware of the considerable time and effort required to
implement information skills delivery on any sort of scale
and that staff are able to manage the workload generated by
demand for information skills support. Staff new to the
role need to be able to feel comfortable with the fact that
preparation will take many times longer than the session
itself and that each individual will require different
amounts of time

Many thanks again for all your helpful replies.

Paul Boagey

Paul Boagey
Nursing Librarian
Hartley Library
University of Southampton
Southampton SO17 1BJ

023 8059 6874
023 8059 2180
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