

On Tue, 30 Jan 2001 18:47:53 GMT Infologistix
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Dear lis-linkers,
>         As one who has done quite a bit of computer system sizing and
> capacity planning, perhaps I am ascribing too much subtlety to the BL; but ....
>          NOT announcing a new on-line service from such a high profile
> organisation as the BL is actually quite a sound strategy. It should smooth
> out the uptake rather than having every on-line librarian and lis-linker in
> the country and beyond trying out the new catalogue within minutes and
> bringing the system to its knees.
This did occur to me as a possible reason; in which case the BL got
it wrong! As I say, it appeared in the Guardian's News in brief
yesterday morning, and for all I know in other papers. Given that the
URL quoted was for the main BL web site (, maybe it was
something that had been stumbled on rather than an official

If the idea was to have a quiet roll-out, the BL should have handled
it differently . Most of us who have been involved in the
introduction of a new automated system are only too aware of the
"teething troubles" that they have. The BL could have been upfront
and asked for some volunteers - that's how the original network OPAC
was introduced, though since it needed specialist software, it was
easier to control access, as MAC users may remember :-)

I did also contact the BL direct, about the lack of a link from the
front of - and was assured that one would appear this week.
So if the idea was a quiet roll-out, it looks like even some of the
BL staff weren't in on the policy. Wrong again!

Whether cock-up, conspiracy or Murphy's Law, I think we should all
learn from this experience.



Ann Lees, Library Project Officer
Project MALIBU
c/o King's College London, The Strand,
London WC2R 2LS
tel: 020 7848 2986
fax: 020 7848 1777