

>None of this explains why ingenta collects personal information BEFORE
>informing the user of the cost of the transaction - why does ingenta do
>John Smith,
>University of Kent at Canterbury.

..and indeed, does not answer my point that this collection of data is
contrary to the Data Protection Principles.  I would be grateful if David
or anyone else from ingenta could explain how ingenta can justify
collecting personal data BEFORE any transaction is contemplated.

I recommend that John or others write to the Information Commissioner, with
a cc: to ingenta, asking her to invesitgate ingenta's current practices.
From my own experience, the merest whiff of an inquiry from the Information
Commissioner is usually enough to get a company to change its ways. The
Information Commissioner cannot act unless she receives a formal complaint.
As I am not an ingenta user, there's no point in me making the complaint,
but I will gladly advise anyone thinking of following my suggestion up
regarding what wording to put into the letter.

Professor Charles Oppenheim
Dept of Information Science
Loughborough University
Leics LE11 3TU

Tel 01509-223065
Fax 01509-223053