Dear Colleagues:

I am working for the Committee of the Government of Vietnam on Frontier Issues. I dealing with a project of boundaries on which the references of other national boundaries laws (especially land boundaries) are essential. I would very appreciate you would provide me with those references by showing me the address that I can contact, the copies of any national boundaries law or related references. For more details, what i am wondering around is the provisions of those laws providing institutional structure of authorities responsible for the enforcement of the laws, the range and scope of the laws. That would be great if anyone can provide me with some models or copies of those laws. Thank you very much in advance.

Pho Hoang Han (m.m.m.)
Center for Ocean Research and Information
103 Quan thanh, Hanoi, Vietnam
Fax: 844 8236920; Tel. 844 8455150; direct. 091594244; email: [log in to unmask]