

Fifth International English Culture Conference
Conference theme: Culture and Freedom
Lisbon, 28-29-30.Nov.2001
Conference Venue: Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Chris Weedon
Ruth Levitas
Glenn Jordan

Second Call for Papers

Organised by the English Culture Studies Group, with the support of the
Department of English of the Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon,
and the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies, the Fifth
International English Culture Conference has for its theme Culture and

By proposing this theme, the organisers want to review, study and 
interrogate ways of thinking about culture and freedom, as well as 
practices and struggles, movements and formations, institutions and
projects, in the historical development of modern societies, which have
revealed and problematised -- or may give occasion to reveal and 
problematise -- assumptions, beliefs and theories about the relation 
between culture and freedom.

The organisers invite papers from a wide range of disciplines, fields
and intellectual practices which will explore questions relevant for, or
significantly related to, the theme of the Conference.

Two sessions and one roundtable/workshop are being organised that will 
provide a more detailed focus on questions pertinent to the Conference theme:
1. Cultures of Otherness: Gender, Education, Empire (organised by Teresa 
2. Culture, Subordination, Emancipation (organised by Alvaro Pina)
3. Utopia and Freedom (organised by Alvaro Pina)

Send 150-200 word abstracts to
Alvaro Pina <[log in to unmask]>
Luisa Leal de Faria <[log in to unmask]>
J.Carlos Viana Ferreira <[log in to unmask]>
Teresa Malafaia <[log in to unmask]>
Adelaide Serras <[log in to unmask]>
Valdemar A. Ferreira <[log in to unmask]>

Deadline for submissions: June 30, 2001

Registration fee (if paid by Sept. 30, 2001): PTE (Portuguese Escudo)
10,000 (Euro 50), students PTE 5,000 (Euro 25) (Conference dinner
After Sept. 30, PTE 15,000 (Euro 75), students PTE 5,000.

PLEASE NOTE THIS CHANGE, institutionally imposed:

(and addressed to Prof Teresa Malafaia)
Depto Estudos Anglísticos
Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa
Alameda da Universidade
1600-214 LISBOA, Portugal

Participants from outside the Euro zone may be allowed to pay in PTE on
arrival (please contact Prof. Teresa Malafaia for that purpose)

Registration form (please print)
Name ___________________________________________
Title ___________----_______ Affiliation___________________________
(Material mail) Address ________________________________________________
Postal code _________________ Town and country
Tel. No. _____________________ Fax No. _______________________
E-mail _______________________________________
I enclose cheque No. ________________ Bank _____________________
I intend to present a paper -- YES --- NO
Title of paper _______________________________________________________

I require TV/Video - overhead/slide projector - other (Please