Jean-Luc and others
There exists a mailing list for postgraduates wishing to discuss specifics about any aspect of geology.
We have several members who specialise in using programmes such as THERMOCALC.
Whilst I do not want to dissuade you (or anyone else) from asking geo-metamorphism about such a relevant topic, I will at least suggest that you join geo-postgrad and try asking the same question there. It may be that the post-graduate community (worldwide) has more time to help you with such enquiries.
go to and join the list if you haven't done so already
Best of luck
Craig Storey
----- Original Message -----
From: [log in to unmask]>Régnier Jean-Luc
To: [log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 3:43 PM
Subject: forum

Dear all,
I am phd student and I try to use some program like Thermocalc (R.Powell)
Even if you can found out some information on the web or more of it in the literatur, I am
often confronted with some specific problem related to the solfware. Often it is because I am not so good in computer science or simply in Thermodynamic...
Any way I think that could be good for all the student interested by the metamorphism and the modern program to talk about this on forum . Especially if you want to use the program understanding really the details and that do excatly the program. I am willing to open a forum but I gess (may be) there are some one yet ? moreover nobody know me...
So let me know if it is a good idea or if I am dreaming for nothing!!!.
In this case I would like to know all the name of the people that could be willed to answer me about Thermocalc (except Mr Powell himself)
Thanks you
All the Best
Régnier Jean-Luc
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
Institut für Geowissenschaften, FB 22
Becherweg 21, 55099 Mainz
tel: (0049)-6131-39-24767 (office)
tel: (0049)-6131-216469 (home)