

Thank you to those who sugested solutions for tastefully improving the
legibity of existing text-on-glass labels. In case anyone else encounters a
similar scenario here are some of the suggestions:

an easy and cost effective way is to use 3M forsted tape patch, they come
in a variety of sizes. put these in behind the labels, increases the
visibility and also does not not hamper view of the objects.

I know that you can get self-adhesive vinyl cut lettering in an opaque
"frosted glass" finish which is useful as lettering or symbols on large
glass walls and doors and helps stop kids running into them. You might try
sticking an area of this opaque vinyl on the opposite side of the glass from
the lettering. I imagine the larger the piece of vinyl, the more difficult
it will be to remove the air bubbles that always seem to get trapped

Bring in a signpainter and have the letters edged in black or white so that
they visually pop off the glass a bit.  This can also be done by a
calligrapher working with a chisel edged permanent marking pen.  A good
person can do this fairly quickly so that it needn't cost the earth.

Thanks again.
Best wishes,

Dale Johnston
Museums Outreach Officer
c/o The Department of History & Philosophy of Science
Free School Lane

01223 331104 (direct line and voicemail)

University Museum of Zoology
Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences
Whipple Museum of the History of Science
University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology