

I am not going to write about the particulars of the "act of evil" (the, now, standing phrase); enough people are, already (at least within this forum). I'd just like to mention, remind some, even myself, of the etymological origin of "theory": to see. Even though this is only a part of the original, greek sense of the term, this remains: watching, even feeling, emotion itself, is "theoretical". That is: the most basic way of being in the world relates, or is, even, generated, by theory. So: theory is about being human as a totality, and any trace of theory is only a will to learn to see, maybe, the object itself. And the "object itself", being a philosophical idea par excellence, is, from my point of view, the end of the apprenticeship of seeing (theorein) reflectively as a total human being. And this; this is needed.
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