


I am a disability rights project worker at Dial House
in Chester.

Have you seen the video 'TALK' produced by the
disability rights commission ? it is a short video
about an able bodied man in a disabled world ! it is
vey clever and certainly gives food for thought as
well as creating some humour.

Here at DIAL Chester we have produced a video on the
DDA and are close to having it ready to be sold.  It
covers the main bits of DDA in relation to goods and
services and employment.  I will let you know when it
is ready.

the main part of my job is to run Disab
awareness/equality courses and I am just in the
process of developing our courses so that they are
ready to deliver (I have only been in post 2 months !)

If you would like to know more about what I am doing
feel free to contact me

Anna Jackson
Disability Rights Worker
DIAL House

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