

This work may be of interest to members of the list with interests in
electronic records management.


The MoReq Specification is now available for download from
It is due to be available on various European web sites, listed within the
specification; and will be published in paper form later this year.

The MoReq Specification is a model specification of requirements for
Electronic Records Management Systems (ERMS). The specification was developed
by Cornwell Affiliates plc for the European Commission’s IDA (Interchange of
Data between Administrations) initiative.

It has designed to be easily used, and to be applicable throughout Europe.  
It is intended to be useful for              
potential ERMS users: as a basis for preparing an invitation to tender;       
ERMS users: as a basis for auditing or checking an existing ERMS;
training organisations: as a reference document for preparing
recordsmanagement training, and as course material;
academic institutions: as a teaching resource;
ERMS suppliers and developers: to guide product development by highlighting
functionality required;
record management service providers: to guide the nature of the services to
be provided;
potential users of outsourced record management services: as an aid in
specifying the services to be procured.


Neil Beagrie
Assistant Director                JISC Digital Preservation Focus
JISC/DNER Office,               Tel/Fax/Voicemail :+44 (0)709 2048179
King's College London          email:       [log in to unmask]
Strand Bridge House            url:   
138 - 142, The Strand,          email list:
London WC2R 1HH    

