

I have been approached by the local police who are concerned that students registered with them (i.e. visa nationals) are not keeping them informed of changes of address, as they are required to. The police want the University to confirm the continued registration of certain students/groups of students, and to confirm their current address as the police have it, or supply the new one if it has changed.
The legal obligation to notify police of changes is actually with the student - but this was presented as an attempt to ensure that correct information is held by the police for the students' own benefit/safety, given international events. The example was given of having to contact a group of muslim students if it was known that they were going to be targeted for abuse/attack.
While we don't want to be unnecessarily unco-operative, there is a great deal of uneasiness about this. Has anyone else had similar requests? Any advice would be appreciated!
Jayne Hornsby
Assistant Registrar, Student Records Office
The Registry
University of Kent at Canterbury
Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NZ
Tel: 01227 764000
Fax: 01227 827101