

Gordon Steaman wrote:

> I am trying to raise awareness of the problems of the new act to
> the staff in my college. I now realise that this is a major task
> and would like some help! Does anyone know of a person or
> organisation that could lead a half day or full day training
> session here at the college that would give a basic understanding
> of the requirements of the act to my fellow academics?

I would suggest that the session lengths you are proposing are
too long to give a basic understanding and that they will not be
attractive to academics. I have been running sessions which have
lasted about 90 minutes. These include showing "Barry's Bad Data
Day" video and a run through of the principles, conditions for
processing, subject access rights etc..

This length of time is short enough to retain interest but long
enough to cover a good deal of ground. It is also long enough to
get people thinking about the data they process and usually
results in a number of people contacting me afterwards to talk
about their specific circumstances.

The general feedback from staff at all levels has been good and
the sessions have been well attended - except by academics
although a few have come and appreciated the session.

John Hitches
Data Protection Officer (among other things!)
Kingston University

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