

One possible source would be the "Records & Archives In the News" (RAIN)
postings to the American Records Management listserv.  Peter Kurilecz
gathers together URLs and first paragraphs of news stories which are posted
regularly.  The story about the Queen Mum's medical notes (a few months ago)
turned up I think.  I've also forwarded one or two of these to the dp list.

Handy too for Freedom of Information and disaster recovery stories.  One of
the American tornadoes scattered FBI files across town... plenty of coverage
and thought provoking pictures. Just be prepared to wade through all the

There was also an amusing tale about GIS which picks up on discussion here
about tracking workers. Second half of the following message.

Cut and paste if any of the URLs get broken up over line-breaks.

Richard Leonard
Assistant Records Manager, Essex CC