

** Reply to note from "Stephenson,M" <[log in to unmask]>         Thu, 27 Sep 2001 15:02:37 +0100

> Dear All,
> Is it just me or does everyone find the website for the OIC incredibly slow.
> It is by far the slowest website I ever have recourse to use and this is
> further exacerbated by its completely unintuitive structure.
> For an organisation that makes sure that the rest of us provide our
> information properly, it doesn't do a very good job itself.
> What does anyone else think?


Passed thinking.

If you are talking about this site: seeems OK to me.

If you are talking about this (which is usually linked to from above):
then it runs Lotus Notes (don't know the platform).  Notes is well known for
requiring loads of high speed/quantity hardware if it is to function at any
acceptable rate.  All I can say is the unerlying hardware cannot make it.

Notes generates a lot of the information (including graphics etc) on the fly.
Hence the need for fast machines and so on...


Charles Christacopoulos, Secretary's Office, University of Dundee,
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Scottish Search Maestro

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