


One of our teams in Education holds a database about violent service users.
Whilst discussing with them about how to make it compliant with the DPA I
encountered some opposition to the idea of providing individuals with a fair
information notice. The fear of that team's manager is that if individuals
knew they are flagged on such a system, it could trigger more violent
behaviour from them at the following visit of their staff.
Obviously this raises the issue of balancing the rights of individuals to
know what information is held about them against the safety of Council
officers, especially those who have to work off-site and visit service users
at their homes.
Have other local authorities dealt with this issue and if yes, what has been
their response ?
Any other advice is welcome too.

Karine Theis
Data Protection Liaison Officer
Education & Libraries
Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
Email:  [log in to unmask]

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