

I have been consulted about a proposal for a staff member to mount a Co-web
server-sometimes called a Wiki or Swiki in our sub-net. The purpose is
apparently academic research and a principle of this (I am told)
increasingly popular collaborative web-based concept is that anyone can post
or alter any data (personal and research) posted by another without any
login, password or validation security, allowing full academic freedom to
the particpants.The server includes some limited access monitoring software
and a 'rollback' facility to undo 'graffiti' changes.
I am very uncertain who the data controller is this sort of 'free for all'
but assuming it is the University by allowing it on the server at all, I am
nervous about it. However, will it be enough if  guidelines provide for the
system to be monitored(for content and security) and there is a 'health
warning' on the entry page ,informing users of operating parameters.
There may also be issues around security/subject access/other which could be
Have others experience of these and how are they viewed/dealt with?
Gail Waters
DP Coordinator
OPen University

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