
Call for papers
and participation                               2.2.2001

t-world  2001 
- academic workshop in connection with Telework 2001

Academic track in connection with "e -work 2001. The 8th European Assembly
on New Ways to Work". See closer

The purpose of the academic workshop is to give academically-oriented people
the possibility of participating in the 8th European Assembly on New Ways to
Work, and to build an academic subforum for discussion at the conference.
This will be achieved thanks to 
 An opportunity to make a contribution in the form of a scientific
 A lower conference fee (300 ?), which also includes access to the
full assembly and all hospitality events.  This lower price is just reserved
for authors of accepted papers.

The specific theme of t-world 2001 conference is 

"Building social and intellectual capital in (e)working relationships"  

Both theoretical and empirical research papers on - but not restricted to -
the following topics will be welcomed:
 Trust, emotional intelligence and other "soft" forms of (social)
capital and their importance for successful e -work
 The building social and intellectual capital in virtual
 Different forms of social and intellectual capital in the
organisational context
 Implementation of trust-based strategies and structures in the
organisational context
 Availability and functions of intellectual and social capital in
 Implications of research on social and intellectual capital for e
-work and virtual organisations.

The academic subconference will have two parts:

t-world 2001 workshop

The Second Nordic Doctoral Seminar on e -work

t-world 2001 workshop

The workshop will run in parallel with other tracks of  the 8th European
Assembly on New Ways on Work at Thursday 13. September 2001.  Accepted
papers, selected through a blind review process, will be published in a
specific proceedings.

In the workshop, there are three tracks:
1. Academic research
2. Research in progress
3. Case and industrial studies.

In order to join:
Submit an extended abstract (about 5 000 words) to [log in to unmask] by
31.5.2001.  Please state which track your paper is aimed at.
The preliminary timetable is as follows:
        Extended abstract required by 31.5.2001
        Notification of acceptance by 30.6.2001
        Full paper submitted by 15.8.2001

The Second Nordic Doctoral Seminar on Telework

The doctoral seminar will take place on Tuesday 11. September, the day
before the main assembly.
It will be the second such event, and follows the first doctoral seminar on
this topic, which took place at Turku in September 1998 in connection with
the Third International Workshop on Telework.

Participants need to be doctoral students working on topics related to
telework and virtual organisation.   The program will include tutorials and
discussions based on each participant's current research.   The organisers
will try to minimize the costs for participants through sponsorship. In any
case, the cost will not be more than that for the academic workshop, which
is also open for the doctoral seminar participants to attend too as well as
the full Assembly.

In order to join:
Submit your research plan for doctoral studies, a report on current status
of studies and your supervisors' short recommendation to
[log in to unmask] by 30.6.2001.

Acceptance to the doctoral seminar will follow by 31.7.2001.

For further information and comments, contact 

Workshop chair                  [log in to unmask]
Workshop general secretary      [log in to unmask]

Program committee
Paul Jackson (Chair)            Brunel University, UK 
Ulrich Frank                    Universität Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Pekka Huuhtanen         Institute for Occupational Health, Finland
Kalle Kangas                    Turku School of Economics and Business
Administration, Finland
Stefan Klein                    Universität Münster, Germany
Satu Lähteenmäki            Turku School of Economics and Business
Administration, Finland
Krys Markowski  Gradutate School in Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Paris, France
Tarja Nupponen                  University of Tampere, Finland
Birger Rapp                     Linköping University, Sweden 
Wendy Spinks                    Science University of Tokyo, Japan
Reima Suomi                     Turku School of Economics and Business
Administration, Finland
Marja Vehviläinen             University of Luleå, Sweden
Edgar Whitley                   London School of Economics, UK
Hans-Dieter Zimmermann  University St. Gall, Switwerland

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list made up of people who are interested in the interdisciplinary academic
study of Cyber Society in all its manifestations.To join the list please visit: