

From: [log in to unmask]: [log in to unmask]
Sent: 06/10/01 01:00
Subject: The Filter, No. 4.5

                No. 4.5 <--The Filter--> 10.05.01

           Your regular dose of public-interest Internet news and
                     from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at
                                   H a r v a r d  L a w  S c h o o l


                [1] Quotable
                [2] In the News
                [3] Berkman News
                [4] Dispatches
                [5] Bookmarks
                [6] Talk Back
                [7] Subscription Info
                [8] About Us
                [9] Not a Copyright


                     [1]  QUOTABLE

 "In the current context, when you ask that question you're going
 to get that kind of response [...] I would say if you asked people,
 'Should terrorist sympathizers have their toenails forcibly plucked
 from their toes?', you would probably get something akin to that."

 --James Zogby, president of the Arab-American Institute, reacting
 to news that one third of New York residents polled by the Sienna
 College Research Institute favor the establishment of internment
 camps for "individuals who authorities identify as being
 sympathetic to terrorist causes" (Newsday via Declan McCullagh's
 politech list serve).


 "Well, this privacy you're concerned about is largely an illusion [...]
 All you have to give up is your illusions, not your privacy. Right
 now you can go onto the Internet and get a credit report about your
 neighbor and find out where your neighbor works, how much they
 earn and if they had a late mortgage payment and tons of other

 --Oracle chairman and CEO Larry Ellison in the wake of the
 September 11 terrorist attacks, explaining why there is no valid
 privacy argument against the creation of a national identification
 card system. Ellison's offer to provide the US government with the
 software necessary for creating such a system "absolutely free"
 has so far been rebuffed.


 "It is not a wish list; it is a modest set of essential proposals."

 --US Attorney General John Ashcroft, using an unfortunately
 Swiftian turn of phrase to describe provisions he urged the House
 Judiciary Committee to include in a draft for the new
 Patriot anti-terrorist legislation (via


 "A strange thing happened after the cold war ended: patriotism
 all but disappeared from American politics. The right and the
 left essentially offered a choice between hedonisms: tax cuts
 or spending. No one asked for sacrifice; no one spoke of a common
 purpose. Liberalism settled for irony and contempt, which
 mobilize no one. [...]
 Sept. 11 changed all that, instantly. That day a policeman
 tried to help an investment banker who had fled the twin towers
 and seemed to be in shock. 'I'm not in shock,' the banker replied.
 'I like this state. I've never been more cognizant in my life.'"

 --Excerpt from "Recapturing the Flag," an article by George
 Packer published in The New York Times Magazine on September

 "What we're seeing isn't the death of irony. It's the death of apathy.
 And thank f***ing God."

 --John Krewson, writer for The Onion, the immensely popular
 satirical newspaper and website.


                     [2]  IN THE NEWS

 *Who Wants to Be a Patriot?: If there is one development that
 best illustrates the core Internet policy debate emerging from
 the September 11 terrorist attacks, it may be the House Judiciary
 Committee's mark up and unanimous approval, Wednesday evening, of
 the Patriot Act of 2001. The issue is how best to balance the
 interests of national security and the protection of civil liberties.
 The Patriot Act--which stands for "Provide Appropriate Tools
 Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism"--remains for
 many a troubling answer. Although legislators removed or
 revised some of the more worrisome aspects of earlier drafts--
 including a provision that would have allowed for "indefinite"
 detention of immigrant suspects--civil liberties groups including
 the ACLU say the revisions do not go far enough. "Because of
 the broad new powers to wiretap telephone and Internet
 communications, the legislation weakens essential checks
 and balances that the judicial branch has exercised over
 law enforcement," said Laura Murphy, Director of the ACLU's
 Washington National Office. "[O]ur fear is that the American
 public will look back to this legislation and say, 'this is where we
 crossed the line to a surveillance society.'"




 What effect might the Patriot Act have on ordinary citizens? For
 an analysis of how its provisions could impact lawful immigrants'
 lives, read Berkman Fellow Anita Ramasastry's Findlaw
 article "Indefinite Detention Based Upon Suspicion" at the below


 The House Judiciary Committee version of the Patriot Act
 carries an automatic expiration date of December 31, 2003--a
 "sunset" provision that was considered key to its bipartisan
 approval. Yesterday, however, US Attorney General John
 Ashcroft held a press conference at which he took a stand
 against the provision, arguing that "No one can guarantee
 that terrorism will sunset in two years." In addition, senior
 members of the Senate Judiciary Committee reportedly released
 outlines of a compromise bill that did not contain the sunset

 (Registration required.)

 What is the US government's legislative history with regard to
 the treatment of citizens' civil liberties during wartime? Follow
 the link below for Declan McCullagh's "Why Liberty Suffers in
 Wartime," which provides a thoughtful overview.


                    [3]  BERKMAN NEWS

 * ILAW, Winter 2002: Registration is now open for the Berkman
 Center's Winter 2002 Internet Law Program of Instruction, the
 central segment of which will take place in Singapore. Taught by
 leading experts in the field, the program will address the most
 controversial cyberlaw issues being debated by lawmakers, courts
 and practitioners in the US and other countries. The program
 is designed for a broad audience including professionals in law,
 politics, business, journalism and education. It offers an optional
 online instructional component in addition to the intensive, three-day
 series of lectures and discussions January 2-4 in Singapore.
 Follow the link below for further details, including syllabus
 and registration information.


 Questions regarding the Internet Law Program of Instruction
 should be directed to: [log in to unmask]

 * Berkman Center Welcomes New Fellows: Among the
 Berkman Center's 2001-2002 fellows are five who have
 just recently joined us. We are proud to welcome Justin
 Chan, Rohan Kariyawasam, Don McGovern, Mark Patterson,
 and Anita Ramasastry.

 Justin Chan
 Mr. Chan's research focuses on the evolution of rules in the
 digital economy: how the economics of new technology compels
 changes in the law. He is a former clerk to Singapore Supreme
 Court Chief Justice Yong Pung How and has worked closely with
 the Singapore Academy of Law, serving as project coordinator
 for the Academy's Information Technology Law Immersion
 Program 2001 and as Secretary to the Technology Law
 Development Group, a cyberlaw think tank.

 Rohan Kariyawasam
 Mr. Kariyawasam's research interests include the interpretation
 of World Trade Organization (WTO) rules relating to
 telecommunications, Internet and broadcasting (including webcasting),
 open access to electronic networks and services, and legal and
 regulatory mechanisms to help reduce the digital divide between
 the developed and developing worlds. He is a Fulbright scholar and
 UK solicitor who has worked as a consultant for both the Media &
 Communications Department at Clifford Chance, and for the
 Telecommunications & Internet Department at Field Fisher

 Don McGovern
 Mr. McGovern comes to the Berkman Center from a post as the
 World Wide R & D Manager in Hewlett Packard Operations (HPO).
 Before joining HP, McGovern was vice president in Novell's
 Operating System's Division. McGovern was a board director
 of X/Open Company Limited, the Open Software Foundation (OSF),
 and the X Consortium. While in residence, McGovern will head
 research into the structure of a global, Net-based, open source
 learning consortium.

 Mark Patterson
 Professor Patterson is an Associate Professor at Fordham
 Law School, where he teaches Antitrust Law, Patent Law, and
 Corporations. He has taught seminars in Competition and
 Information and Law and Scientific Research, and in the spring
 of 2002 he will be co-teaching a seminar in Technology and
 Human Rights. Patterson's work at the Berkman Center focuses
 on developing an antitrust analysis for the control and use of
 information, particularly in electronic commerce.

 Anita Ramasastry
 Professor Ramasastry is the Associate Director of the Center
 for Law, Commerce & Technology and Assistant Professor of
 Law at the University of Washington School of Law in Seattle.
 Her research and teaching areas include law and technology,
 international commercial law and banking and payment systems.
 At the Berkman Center, Ramasastry is researching "virtual"
 protest, or hacktivism, including the use of rhetoric and metaphor
 in the debate on activism.

 To read more or view the full roster of 2001-2002 fellows, visit
 the URL below:


                     [4]  DISPATCHES

 This week we're featuring a brief selection of articles written
 in the wake of the World Trade Center tragedy that have moved us,
 informed us, or provoked us to think deeply. (We do not, of
 course, necessarily espouse the viewpoints expressed by the

 "An Afghan-American Speaks," by Tamim Ansary

 "Access Denied," by Michael Isikoff and Daniel Klaidman

 "How the Terrorist Crisis Threatens Our Personal Liberties,"
 by Dan Kennedy and Harvey Silvergate


 "Securing the Lines of a Wired Nation," by John Schwartz

                     [5]  BOOKMARKS

 * BNA Internet News


 Website where you can sign up for Professor Michael Geist's
 invaluable daily dispatch of summaries of breaking developments
 in Internet law and policy.

 * "Rumors of War"


 The urban legend debunkers at assess the veracity
 of rumors spawned by the September 11 terrorist attacks.

 * Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund


 Website for the organization that administers the "Sept. 11 College
 Fund," an initiative to raise scholarship funds, on behalf of higher
 education, for the children and spouses of the victims of the World
 Trade Center tragedy.

                      [6]  TALK BACK

 Comments? Questions? Opinions? Submissions? Send a letter to the editor
 [log in to unmask]

                     [7]  SUBSCRIPTION INFO

 You are receiving this email because someone (perhaps you) requested
 your name be added to our mailing list. Follow this link to unsubscribe
 from the list:


                     [8]  ABOUT US

 Read The Filter online at

 Who we are:

 Editor: Donna Wentworth
 Reporter: Cedar Pruitt


                     [9]  NOT A COPYRIGHT

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 School <>

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