

Hi folks,

Just to give some more information about the meeting next Thursday.

The meeting starts at 10am and finishes at 4 and is being held in the
Parkinson Building (Room 1.35, First Floor, Chemistry End) in Leeds
University.  I am trying to get exact directions but in the mean time,
there is a map at the Leeds University web site which shows where the
building is at:  I believe
the building is no 11 on this map.

I have the following people down as attending.  If you are not on this list
and are intending to come then please remind me :)

Niall, Steve (Jeyes), Clive, Su, Hugh, Jon, Joanna, Graham (Smith), David
(Davies), Cliff, Steve (Lay), Dave (O'Hare), Alan, Andy, Roger, Lorna.

If you have any questions, then please get in touch.

