


Agreed. I was interested in the resounding silence that greeted the piece..



Deborah Knight wrote:

> Karl Carlile <[log in to unmask]> recently  circulated an essay on The
> Internet and pornography. I don't usually respond to these salvoes, and
> don't want to get involved in a debate, but speaking from CSE/Capital and
> Class office - and as a female socialist - I want respond to a few points
> he made:
> >.....The entire bourgeois strategy is to build up a bad press for the
> >internet exaggerating the presence of pornography.
> No, the amount of porn on the Net is growing all the time, as anyone who
> uses the Net must know. As an example, CSE/Capital and Class (hardly a
> prime target for pornographers) never used to receive 'invitations' to porn
> sites, now we get about one a week. Recently on the web, while entering a
> competition in a men's 'lifestyle' (non-porn) magazine, the page
> disappeared and I found images floating across the screen, inviting me to
> join the Voyeur's network and giving me a few samplers. Talking to people
> this does happen on certain sites - they get 'bombed' from outside - so you
> are offered stuff you never sought.
> >Contained in the debate is the false suggestion that pornography can be
> >eliminated through censorship.
> >... the best means of encouraging pornography. Censorship drives
> >pornography underground making it a
> >less accessible commodity and consequently raising its price.
> Nobody thinks censorship eliminates pornography. But mass availibilty
> legitimises it as a means of employment (or low income subsidy, like casual
> prostitution) for working class women, immigrants etc., while restricting
> access means people who don't want to see it don't have to, and those who
> do will have to work a little harder to find it. Raising its price? Good -
> let them pay for their habit!
> Deborah Knight
> CSE/Capital & Class Business Manager
> 25 Horsell Road
> London N5 1XL
> (Tel/fax: 0207 607 9615
> website: