

>>I left my original message short because I thought naively that subscribers
would understand the serious motive behind my message. I have written
personally to those who responded to the list.<<

too bad I didn't get a response, since I'm the one who seems to have started this brew-ha-ha. Normally I would stay quiet when such contretemps involve what I've posted as it just tends to fan the flames, but I can't stay away from this one.

>>The archives-nra list is intended as a support to archive professionals,
mainly in the UK. <<

That I understand very well. I joined so that I could understand more about the records management and archives world in the UK. In today's environment we can't stay isolated from each other. There is an old phrase we use over here "Don't reinvent the wheel" ie someone may have already done what you are attempting to do. Learn from others before you plunge in.

 For example here in the US we have been working with Freedom of Information statutes (federal and state) for at least the last 25 years or more. The UK has only just enacted their own FOIA laws. Guess what you might learn from what we experience over here.

Your Data Protection Act (DPA) is having a major effect upon your operations. Here in the US new regulations are being developed concerning the privacy of personnel medical information. Is it a good thing? some think so, but just recently a hospital banned all clergy from looking at a list of patients to see who might be a member of their denomination. Was this one of the intended consequences of the law? I doubt it, but it is now a part of that hospitals procedures.

I have in the past offered in an off-line manner assistance to several on this list when I thought information could be found here in North America. I think it has been 'useful' based upon the private replies I've received.

>> Sending newspaper websites would only helped us to
'watch' the news.  As we realised how serious the situation was yesterday
afternoon, our immediate needs as archive professionals and citizens was to
find useful information about friends, family and colleagues who might be
involved, even researchers using a record office who might need immediate

So I take it that the information was not 'useful'? At least the photographs provided a clearer understanding of what has occurred.

Well I guess this Yank will go back to lurking and keep quiet.

I do hope you find the 'useful' information you are seeking. As to useful information please click on the following link to access information from the recmgmt-l listserv. Use the search feature and search for the following subject RAIN

Peter Kurilecz
(who is knee deep in learning about health information privacy)
Richmond, Va