

My Mail StationeryDear Allstats,
A few years back a friend of mine gave me a problem. I don't know if this is
the correct place but any insight will be appreciated. Its an interesting
and a very difficult one. It goes like this,
There are 1000 doors which can take only two states: open or closed. There
are 1000 persons. Let us suppose all the doors are closed in the beginning.
The first person opens all the doors. The second person changes the state of
doors which are multiples of 2. That is the 2nd, 4th, 6th etc doors are
closed. The third person changes the state of doors which are multiples of
3. That is if the doors are open, he closes them, if they are closed, he
opens them. This process continues that is ith person changes the state of
doors which are multiples of i and lastly 1000th person changes the state of
the 1000th door. The question is in the end how many doors are open and how
many doors are closed?

Indrajit SenGupta
Department Of Statistics
St. Xavier's College
Calcutta University
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