


I have just received the ITT data requirements for the 2001 ITT
census from the TTA, letter dated 18th September 2001. The census
date for this survey is 10th October 2001, with a return date to
TTA by no later than 17th October 2001.

Given the annual nature of this request, we had previously
anticipated the requirement and have already put measures in
place to ensure that ITT students get priority in terms of data
entry onto our Student Record system, given the very short time
frame between our term start and this census. Our assumption has
also been, in the absence of any indications to the contrary,
that the standard data items would be required, and our reporting
mechanisms have been checked and updated to ensure compliance.

I was therefore somewhat disheartened to find that the TTA have
decided to require additional data from us this year, for which
we have had no forewarning. Thus at the busiest time of the year
for us in terms of data collection and entry, we are now required
to amend our reporting mechanisms to ensure that the data we are
required to report to them is readily available for us to do this
task. In the absence of time and resources, we will no doubt have
to resort to 'paper-chasing' to provide the information now asked

HEFCE normally provide a three month lead-in time to any changes
to HESES, for which we are grateful, but which still proves
challenging to meet. To be given three weeks is derisory.

Am I alone in feeling frustrated and aggrieved?

Judy Evans
Head of Management Information
University of North London
166-220 Holloway Road
London N7 8DB

tel : 020 7753 5146
fax : 020 7753 5120

email : [log in to unmask]