

Postdoctoral Position in Gas Phase Femtosecond Dynamics and Photoelectron
Imaging Spectroscopy of Negative Ions

University of Arizona, Department of Chemistry

A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Andrei Sanov at
the University Arizona.  The position is in the area of femtosecond
photoelectron imaging spectroscopy of negative ions.  The research focuses
on the electronic structure and dynamics of photoinitiated chemical
reactions, emphasizing the evolving electronic wave functions.  The
experimental approach is based on a unique combination of two
state-of-the-art techniques: femtosecond photoelectron spectroscopy of
negative ions and photoelectron imaging.  Additional information about the
research can be found at:

An ideal candidate would be a creative experimentalist with a Ph.D. in
Physical Chemistry or Chemical Physics and experience in pulsed lasers
(femtosecond preferred but not required) and high vacuum systems.
Background in photoelectron/photofragment spectroscopy and/or
mass-spectrometry is a plus.  Absolutely required are passion for science,
independence, and strong motivation.

The position is available immediately, but the starting date is negotiable.
The initial appointment will be for one year with the expectation of
extensions contingent upon reasonable progress and funding availability.
The compensation package will be competitive, commensurate with
qualifications.  Tucson, Arizona is a great yet inexpensive place to live,
with excellent climate and breathtaking scenery.

Interested candidates are invited to submit curriculum vitae including a
full list of publications, a brief summary of previous research experience,
and arrange for at least two letters of recommendation to be sent directly
to Prof. Andrei Sanov, Department of Chemistry, University of Arizona, 1306
E. University Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85721-0041, U.S.A.  Alternatively, the
application materials can be sent by e-mail ([log in to unmask]) or fax

Andrei Sanov              [log in to unmask]
Department of Chemistry           Ph: 520-626-8399 Fax: 520-621-8407
University of Arizona            Office: CSML 220 Lab: CSML 222/238
1306 E. University Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85721-0041, USA