

Howdy Folks,

My flatmate (also called Matt incidentally) yesterday got a letter from a US
company called E*Trade Securities asking him about his current address.  The
letter was sent to our current address and shows that one as his old address
and his new one (on their records) is a combination of two addresses he
lived at between 3 and 1 year ago.  It asks him to confirm his address and
write back to an address in Boston, Mass.

Matt and I have no idea who this company are and I wondered if they were a
US equivalent of Equifax and Experian.  If anyone has any experience of this
company, could you please let me know who they are and what they do.  Matt
is quite happy for them to have his details if they have it for bona fide
reasons but if they don't, is there any way he can get his details removed
for their database?  Normally on things like this I am quite happy to spout
chapter and verse on the DPA to Matt but because its a US company I don't
know where he stands, or even if he has a stand!

Any help is much appreciated


Matthew Stephenson
Records Manager
London School of Economics
Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE

Tel: 020 7955 6481
Fax: 020 7852 3646

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