

ZETOC - British Library Electronic Table of Contents

The newly funded ZETOC service provides Z39.50-compliant access 
to the British Library's Electronic Table of Contents (ETOC). The 
database contains details of approximately 20,000 current journals 
and 16,000 conference proceedings published per year. With almost 
15 million article and conference records, the database covers every 
imaginable subject in science, technology, medicine, engineering, 
business, law, finance and the humanities. The database covers the 
years from 1993 to date and is updated daily. A list of journal titles 
covered by the database is available. Copies of all the articles and 
conference papers listed on the database are available from the 
British Library's Document Supply Centre in Yorkshire. 
ZETOC is made available to further and higher education institutions 
in the UK through MIMAS (Manchester Information and Associated 
Services) at the University of Manchester, on behalf of the British 
