

Dear all,
I agree with Tim and Brett 101 %. I was studied the main foliations and 
lineation of the Cabo Ortegal (A HP-HT allocthonous Complex of the NW 
Spain) that mainly, always show a clear intersection lineation between 
compositional layers and mylonitic foliation. During many years people, I 
said more: intelligent geologist identified this intersection lineation as 
stretching lineation misunderstand all, and subsequently based in this fact 
they made a amazing exhumations models of the Cabo Ortegal during the 
Variscan Orogen…..
On the other hand, if we are front to a real and clear stretching lineation 
parallel to one strait axis fold (not a sheath fold), we don’t need forget 
that we can develop a fold by buckling or bending, where the principal 
stretching direction (s3) could be normal principal shortening direction 
(s1) and if quantitatively s3 >s1 the linear or plane-linear fabric 
resultant, may present a stretching lineation parallel to the axis fold.
Thanks for your attention.
Francisco J. Fernández
Dpto de Geología
Área de Geodinámica
Universidad de Oviedo
C/Arias de Velasco SN
33005 Oviedo. Spain
Hasta la vista babes
phone: 34-985103150
FAX 34-985103103
