

Peter C Herman wrote:-
>I also note that both Joseph Wittreich and Annabel Patterson think that the
authorship >of the Calender may have been more occluded than we today think, so at
least I have >good company in my delusion.

Thanks for the reassurance! And there was me thinking that
I was the only one to doubt Spenser's authorship. The clues
are there folks.

In his 'A New Year's Gift to my old friend Maister George
Bilchanger', Harvey refers to "a younge brother of mine" and his
capabilities. He later refers to Master Collin Clout and his olde
companions, Master Cuddy and Master Hobbinnoll after quoting
two verses from the tenth Aeglogue of the foresaid famous new
Calendar. He has also referred to "M. Cuddie, alias you know who".

It seems to me that Master Cuddy is Spenser and Master Hobbinnoll
is Sidney -- Harvey is referring to other people -- and then he speaks
of the money which Colin Clout is making from his Calendar
and Dreames. Again he is referring to another person and this is the
person who has been translating Ovid. Marlowe translated Ovid...

Peter Zenner

+44 (0) 1246 271726
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