

You'll have to forgive me for bothering you all, since I'm no Spenser
scholar.  But I've valued your list for many years.

SC has been dear to my heart for a long time, and I have treasured memories
of the first edition in the BM library - which had to suffice until I
managed to obtain a facsimile.

You'll think me naive, I know.  But the various spellings of Piers and
Cuddie in the "October" episode were perpetuated through the editions.
Should they not dive us a clue to the people they represented.  For example,
Pires is Edmund Spenser, but Piers is Robert Sidney?  Etc......?

Was not SC the work of a group of John Dee's scholars?  Then E.K. might be
Dee's E.K.

Who must stay and write epic verse, and who must travel to Italy?  I know
the answer to that - but E.K. suggests that we should be able to interpret
the flights of birds, which we find in many of the illustrations, and I have
no idea how.  Does anyone?

Andy Green
