

News from Annali d'Italianistica

1.	Volume 18 of AdI, entitled "Beginnings/Endings/Beginnings/," is
scheduled to appear in Dec. 2000.
2.	Submissions for the 2001 issue on "Literature, Scholarship, and
Ethics" should be sent no later than April 30, 2001.
3.	The topic for the 2002 issue, "Exile on Literature/The Literature of
Exile" will soon be posted on the journal's website.
4.	Here follows the list of books received, which is also posted on the
journal's website. Colleagues who wish to review a book should contact
the editor at: [log in to unmask]

Books Received (October, 2000)

Baldelli, Ignazio. Dante e Francesca. Saggi di "Lettere Italiane" 53.
Firenze: Olschki, 1999. Pp. 93.
Berger, Harry, Jr. The Absence of Grace: Sprezzatura and Suspicion in
Two Renaissance Courtesy Books. Stanford: Stanford UP, 2000. Pp. 267.
Bianchini, Angela. The Edge of Europe. Trans. Angela J. Jeannet and
David Castronuovo. European Women Writers Series. Lincoln: U of Nebraska
P, 2000. Pp. 140.
Casadei, Albeerto. Romanzi di Finisterre. Narrazione della guerra e
problemi di realismo.  Roma: Carocci, 2000. Pp. 289.
Cherchi, Paolo. L'alambicco in biblioteca: distillati rari. Ed.
Francesco Guardiani and Emilio Speciale. Ravenna: Longo, 2000. Pp. 374.
Clivio, Gianrenzo P., and Marcel Danesi. The Sounds, Forms, and Uses of
Italian. An Introduction to Italian Linguistics. Toronto: UP, 2000. Pp.
Cowan, Alexander, ed. Mediterranean Urban Culture 1400-1700. Exeter: UP,
2000. Pp. 277.
Dante Alighieri. Dante's Lyric Poems. Trans. Joseph Tusiani. Introd. and
notes Giuseppe C. Di Scipio. Italian Poetry in Translation 4. Brooklyn:
Legas, 1999. Pp. 177.
Diaconescu-Blumenfeld, Rodica, and Ada Testaferri. The Pleasure of
Writing. Critical Essays on Dacia Maraini. Purdue Studies in Romance
Languages 20. West Lafayette: Purdue UP, 2000. Pp. 277.
Di Biagi, Flaminio. Sotto l'arco di Tito: le "Farfalle" di Gozzano.
Trento: La Finestra, 1999. Pp. 185.
DiNapoli, Thomas P. The Italian Jewish Experience. Filibrary Series 21.
Stony Brook: Forum Italicum, 2000. Pp. 253.
Di Pasquale, Emanuel. The Silver Lake Love Poems. West Lafayette:
Bordighera, 2000. Pp. 27.
The Fiore and the Detto d'amore. Trans. Santa Casciani and Christopher
Kleinhenz. William and Katherine Devers Series 4. Notre Dame: UP, 2000.
Pp. 558.
Gioseffi, Daniela. Going On: Poems. Lafayette, IN: Bordighera, 2000. Pp.
Iannace, Carmine Biagio. La scoperta dell'America. Un'autobiografia./The
Discovery of America. An Autobiography. A Bilingual Edition. Trans.
William Boelhower. West Lafayette: Bordighera, 2000. Pp. 231.
Iannace, Florinda, ed. Maria Vergine nella letteratura italiana.
Filibrary Series 19. Stony Brook: Forum Italicum, 2000. Pp. 388. 
Jeannet, Angela M. Under the Radiant Sun and the Crescent Moon. Italo
Calvino's Storytelling. Toronto: UP, 2000. Pp. 197.
Kisacky, Julia M. Magic in Boiardo and Ariosto. Studies in Italian
Culture 25. New York: Peter Lang, 2000. Pp. 189.
Lagier, Jennifer. Second-Class Citizen. West Lafayette: Bordighera,
2000. Pp. 46.
Leopardi, Enzo. L'inganno della rosa. The Deception of the Rose. Trans.
and introd. Garrett McCutchan. Leics, UK: Troubador, 1999. Pp. 75.
Lima, Robert. Sardinia o Sardegna. Lafayette, IN: Bordighera, 2000. Pp.
Livorni, Ernesto. Avanguardia e tradizione. Ezra Pound e Giuseppe
Ungaretti. La nuova meridiana 31. Firenze: Le Lettere, 1998. Pp. 381.
Martelli, Sebastiano. Rimanelliana. Studi su Giose Rimanelli/Studies on
Giose Rimanelli. Forum Italicum Filibrary Series 18. Stony Brook, NY:
Forum Italicum, 2000. Pp. 354.
Montale, Eugenio. Selected Poems. Ed. George Talbot. Dublin: UCD
Foundation for Italian Studies, 2000. Pp. 280.
Musa da Calice, Romeo. La luna sul salice. Racconto di Nonna Zibetta./
The Moon on the Willowtree. The Tale of Nonna Zibetta. A
Twentieth-CenturyChildren's Tale from the Province of Parma, Italy. Ed.
and trans. Adelia V. Williams. Crossings 8. Lafayette: Bordighera, 2000.
Pp. 82.
Orlando, Francesco, ed. Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa. Cento anni dalla
nascita, quaranta dal Gattopardo. Palermo, Palazzo Chiaramonte detto
Steri, 12-14 dicembre 1996. Palermo: Assessorato alla Cultura, 1999. Pp.
Paolini, Marco and Gabriele Vacis. The Story of Vajont. Ed. and trans.
Thomas Simpson. Crossings 9. Boca Raton, FL: Bordighera, 2000. Pp. 116.
Papio, Michael. Keen and Violent Remedies Social Satire and the
Grotesque in Masuccio Salernitano's Novellino. Renaissance and Baroque:
Studies and Texts 28. New York: Peter Lang, 2000. Pp. 192.  
Pesaresi, Massimo Mandolini. Grecian Vistas: Giacomo Leopardi and
Romantic Hellas. Recanati: CNSL, 1999. Pp. 139.
Peterson, Thomas E. The Rose in Contemporary Italian Poetry.
Gainesville: UP of Florida, 1999. Pp. 342.
Petrillo, Raymond, ed. and trans. Contrappunti/Counterpoints. Selected
Prose of Giovanni Cecchetti. Introd. Giose Rimanelli. Studies in
Southern Italian and Italian/American Culture 9. New York: Peter Lang,
1997. Pp. 325.
Roskill, Mark W. Dolce's Aretino and Venetian Art Theory of the
Cinquecento. Renaissance Society of America Reprint Texts. Toronto: UP,
2000. Pp. 354.
Saccone, Antonio. "La trincea avanzata" e "La cittā dei conquistatori":
futurismo e modernitā. Letterature 41. Napoli: Liguori, 2000. Pp. 172.
Salerno, Joe.  Song of the Tulip Tree/La canzone della magnolia. West
Lafayette, IN: Bordighera, 1999. Pp. 86.
Spirito, Ugo. Memoirs of the Twentieth Century. Trans. and ed. Anthony
G. Costantini. Value Inquiry Book Series 98. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000.
Pp. 201.
Stefanile, Felix. The Country of Absence. West Lafayette: Bordighera,
2000. Pp. 59.
Studi italiani. La "Difficile Musa" di Aldo Palazzeschi. Indagini,
accertamenti testuali, carte inedite. Ed. Gino Tellini. 11: 1-2 (1999).
Pp. 339.
Talarico, Ross. The Journey Home. Eleven Italian-American Narratives and
"An Utterance of Joy." West Lafayette: Bordighera, 2000. Pp. 57. 
Tusiani, Joseph. Ethnicity: Selected Poems. Ed. Paolo Giordano. West
Lafayette: Bordighera, 2000. Pp. 106.
Valeri, Walter, ed. Franca Rame: A Woman on Stage. West Lafayette:
Bordighera, 2000. Pp. 224.
Vitti, Antonio, and M. Rita Pignatelli Mercuri, eds. Amerigo: andare č
sempre tornare. Introd. Roberto Buranello. Welland, Ont.: Editions
Soleil, 2000. Pp. 359 (text); 135 (workbook).