

Thanks everybody, for all your very helpful replies to my last query on grain elevators, reapers and slaughterhouses.  While we still haven't made a final decision yet regarding film locations for those scenes, I am already trying to tackle the next challenge: locations for the part in which we deal with the complicated waterworks and sewage problems that Chicago faced during the 19th century.

 1) To visualize the Chicago waterworks, we were hoping to film inside an old pumping station with its flywheels in motion (like for example the ones in the old Col. Ward station in Buffalo, NY, only operational), and ideally - though unlikely - we'd like to even find a steam engine powering these.  

 2) We're also interested in finding an old and operational water intake crib, where we could film water gushing in - if that would be visually dramatic.

 3) And lastly (for now) we'd like to locate a brick-lined water tunnel that is not in use so that we can shoot from inside.

 Thanks again for all your previous help, and if you have any ideas or leads regarding this new query, please let me know.


 Franziska Blome
 Associate Producer, Chicago Project
 WGBH / American Experience
 phone: 617-300-3635
