

Please excuse any cross posting.

>Subject: FW: your input needed by October 23!!!
>Please forward if you have not seen this yet.
>Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 6:03 PM
>President Clinton issued an Executive Memorandum requiring the
>Committee on Disability Research (ICDR), to prepare a report identifying
>priority needs for new assistive technologies and universal designs. This
>memorandum to the heads of executive departments and agencies, issued on
>July 25th,
>directs that the report be prepared in cooperation with the disability
>the research communities.
>The ICDR, which is chaired by the National Institute on
>Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) is gathering data from its
>member agencies and researchers. The report will be based on:
>· a comprehensive literature review;
>· interviews and written contributions from Federal, State, and
>private-sector specialists;
>· input from Federal and State agency data bases;
>· conduct of focus groups to elicit consumer viewpoints; and
>· information gathered from the disability community.
>Conwal Incorporated, a federal government contractor that provides
>to the ICDR, is collecting information from the disability community for
>Report to the President through a special website:
>The website will be operational for a short time only as all
>feedback must be collected by October 23, 2000 to be included in the
>We are asking for input from representatives of the disability community
>including individuals with disabilities and their family members,
>organizations, and service providers.
>Please feel free to share this address with others as we want to hear
>as many people as possible. We thank you in advance for your response.

Elaine Gerber, Ph.D.
Senior Research Associate,
Policy Research and Program Evaluation
American Foundation for the Blind
phone:  (212) 502-7644
