

Hi everyone again

I do like the suggestions that Fred made in the email regarding the running
of an ad campaign that promotes positive images of people with disabilities.
I would like to suggest - and I don't know who I should suggest it to - that
there are many outdoor adventurers in wheelchairs around the world.  I have
met some of these folks and seen videos of what they do.  It would make your
hair curl!  I have seen footage of a fellow with amputated legs walking up a
rocky mountain on his "stumps" hoisting his wheelchair on his back.  There
is an amazing man in Terre Haute Indiana who makes adventure equipment
designed specifically for people with disabilities for access to adventure
activities and for rehabilitation hospitals.  I would like to see a feature
article about these people.  Their expeditions would make the
"non-extreme-trail-running husks..." look like "big girls' blouses".  I am
sure such images, like those of the Paralympians, would change a few
attitudes for the better.

is this magazine coverage confined to North America?  I was just wondering
about the equity of any compensatory donations

Oh btw.  The Paralympics here in Oz has been getting such fantastic support
from the ordinary folk of Australia.  Many, many schools have visited the
games and I have heard children being interviewed on the radio. Their
responses are so wonderful - "disabled people are so cool" seems to be the
popular opinion.  The games have been an amazing success it seems, and I
think our journalists have learned a great deal from the experience.  One TV
presenter I recall, took the Mayor of the athletes village Tim Fischer
(recent past deputy PM of Oz) to task for calling the athletes
"bravehearts".  He knew he had put his foot in his mouth and backtracked
like crazy.  So some people have at least learned NOT to tragedise the
athletes.  I'm sure we will hear the inevitable horror stories after the
event but just now in Sydney, and Australia,  Disability is the flavour of
the month!

Best regards

Laurence Bathurst
School of Occupation and Leisure Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Sydney

PO Box 170
Lidcombe NSW 1825

Ph: 61 2 9351 9509
Fax: 61 2 9351 9509
Email: [log in to unmask]
Home Ph: 61 2 9818 2050
Lost : - My leisure. If found please return it to me -
             it has great sentimental value and holds many fond memories.
Lost : - My self. Last seen within my leisure
----- Original Message -----
From: <[log in to unmask]>
To: "'Disability Research Mailbase'" <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2000 4:39 PM
Subject: Fwd: NIke Update and Call to Action - Long

