

Siggie writes...
> Traditionally, and in Tom's linguistic view, we have thought 
> qualifiers as
> things that when applied to an element gives something else. Any given
> qualifier may apply to more than one element. The element refiner
> "illustrator" never passed the ballot, but it would apply to both
> "creator" and "contributor", depending on the extent the 
> illustrator has
> contributed to the resource at hand. As long as we keep the 
> current set of
> 15 elements, we need to know if an "illustrator" is a contributor or a
> creator. It kan not be a subProperty of both. creator.illustrator and
> contributor.illustrator works. though. Hmm, I think I'm back 
> to RDF. It
> might be that the problem is deeper than I think. 

Talked yourself back into a corner, eh? :)

It's actually ok for qualifiers to refine multiple elements.  Take for
example a specific qualifier from the 'unofficial' MARC Relator subset.

<rdf:Property rdf:ID="editor">
  <rdfs:comment>An agent who prepares for publication a work not primarily
his/her own, such as by elucidating text, adding introductory or other
critical matter, or technically directing an editorial staff.</rdfs:comment>

rdf:resource="" /> 
rdf:resource="" /> 
  <rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource=""

What I'm suggesting is that we all (collectively) benefit from agreeing upon
and being very clear *which* elements a particular qualifier may refine.

