

Dear Most Very Supple,

delighted to hear of your safe return from sunny climbs.

we on the list, under my watchful eye, have been soldiering on as best we were
miserably able, each on his own hook.

i am particularly happy to report to Your Veryness a general absence of
Grammeratical Irregularities, many temptations to the contrary not, with

modesty forbids my taking total credit for this, however; Ole George has
whielded The Rod and The Staff quite Unmercifully on several occasions.  
i've taken to wearing leather, myself, whenever i'm tempted to post.

>I am chuffed to be the custodian of an (admittedly very small) portion 
of the Venemous Bead.

and, i say, it couldn't happen to a nicer fellow --nor one more deserving to
be chuffed.

>Hampole, which is not very near to Pickering.  

even as the crow flies?

perhaps it was closer --or less far-- in middlevil times(?)

>Who'd have thunk it?  

i give up; who?

another Very Brilliant Riddle, no doubt.

back in your own Very Rare Form, i see.

best to all from here, and Dog save this Honorable List,


head, Grammer Police.

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