

Hi World!

Some of you are going to be leaving courses, graduating, getting your
doctorates, changing jobs, and will want to leave the PHYSIO list for any of
those reasons, or any other.  To do so is simple.  Just remember that you
need to send a 'command' message to [log in to unmask] and make the
text of your message: Leave Physio

The PHYSIO Web pages at:
will let you do this on-line.  Any other queries and please get back to me -

For those of you who are moving on, then every good wish and I hope you come
back and join us again. Cheers!


Heather Upfield - Listowner PHYSIO Mailbase
Department of Physiotherapy, 
Queen Margaret University College, 
Edinburgh, EH6 8HF, Scotland, UK
Tel: +44 (0)131 317 3641, Fax: +44 (0)131 317 3815
email: [log in to unmask]
