On born-to-be-saints, John Kitchen, in Saints'  Lives and the Rhetoric of Gender (Oxford UP, 1998) - a book with which I have some serious quarrels - does a very nice job of contrasting Venantius Fortunatus's portrayal of born-to-be saints with Gregory of Tours's portrayals of saints-despite-themselves, cranky and rude characters, rough around the edges, who nonetheless achieve sanctity.  There are many hagiographies in which the saint exhibits saintly qualities from an early age (Boniface, for example, began to consider the advantages of the monastic life at the age of four), I can't recall any that involve prophecies or omens, though I suspect others on the list will know of them.

The great literary templates for persons predicted to be holy even before their birth are the stories of the nativities of John the Baptist and of Jesus himself in the Gospel of Luke, and the story of Christ's nativity in the Gospel of Matthew.  The influence of these texts upon hagiographic composition is not to be underestimated.  Extracanonical texts, too, exercise their influence.  The Protoevangelium of James, for example, contains horrific stories of Jesus as a small boy exercising his divine power in some fairly vengeful ways.  Was this text current in Ireland?

In a funny way, the motifs of saint-by-predestination and saint-by-conversion, which are often in tension with one another in medieval hagiography, are combined in the story of Jesus, who is  predicted to be great and holy before his birth, yet goes through a conversion of sorts during his baptism.  A similar juxtaposition can be found in the Vita Martini;  even though Martin was a pagan soldier who converted to Christianity and had a particular and famous epiphany, his biographer assures us that his moral qualities were present since birth, and particularly that as a soldier he avoided the usual vices of soldiers.
Patrick J. Nugent
Earlham College
Richmond, Indiana 47374 USA

(765) 983-1413
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