

How much is absence costing your organisation? 

Discover how you can manage the problem effectively in: 

Managing absence          
A one day workshop on 21 September, at the Merseyside Innovation Centre,

Over the last few years there has been an increasing recognition of the need
to manage absence effectively.  Absence has significant effects on the
operation of an organisation in terms of direct costs and indirect costs.
The CBI in its recent report* estimated the average cost of absence as being
£465 per employee per year in the UK.  When one then considers indirect
costs such as declining quality, lost opportunities and poor customer
service this figure will rise considerably, perhaps by as much as another
£650.  Other indirect costs are on morale, increasing workloads and rising

The money saved through reductions in absence can be directly attributed to
bolstering services and represents the kind of cost that, if it was a more
obvious direct cost, would be stamped out immediately.

As has been recognised by many organisations, line managers/team leaders are
the key to managing absence effectively.  This does not mean that they have
to work in isolation; they should have the support of HR and senior
management.  But they are the key, they are closest to the 'problem' and it
should be seen as an integral part of their management role.

* Focus on Absence, CBI, July 1999 

sing others and wish to develop their skills.  

How will this event help you?

This event will help you  get to grips with your role in managing this

Who will benefit from attending?

Those who have direct line management responsibility for staffing within
their unit and/or organisation as a whole.

Comments from previous participants:

"A thoroughly enjoyable and informative workshop"

"A must for any manager facing absence problems amongst staff"


9.00	Registration and coffee
9.30	Welcome, introductions and objectives
*	The benefits of managing absence
*	Definitions and measurements
*	Causes of absence
*	Role of line managers
*	Absence management policy procedures
		(Coffee at approximately 11.15am)
1.00	Lunch
*	Other organisations' approaches
*	Return to work interviews
*	Case studies and role plays
*	Do's and don'ts
*	Action planning
*	Review and evaluation
		(Tea at approximately 3.15pm)
4.30	Close

Workshop leader:  Nick Carley, CHT Training Solutions.  CHT specialise in
management and staff development training and consultancy

Places are limited to: 20

LA Personal members £130 plus VAT (£22.75) £152.75
LA Institutional members £157 plus VAT (£27.47) £184.47
Non members £182 plus VAT (£31.85) £213.85
LA Student/Unwaged members £25 plus VAT (£4.37) £29.37

How to book
To make a confirmed booking simply complete the booking form below and
return it by fax to Professional Development on 020 7255 0561.
Alternatively, to provisionally book a place please call us on 020 7255
0560, textphone 020 7255 0505, or email [log in to unmask]


I would like to confirm a place on the following 
Workshop: (this constitutes a confirmed booking) 		  

Title of event: 
___________________________	Date: ___/___/___

Surname: ____________________________________

First name: __________________________________	

Job title: ____________________________________

Organisation: ________________________________

Address: ____________________________________

Town:________________  Postcode:______________

Tel___________________ Email: _______________

Are you a LA Member? 	YES __	  NO __             
Personal __ Institutional __ Student __  Unwaged __

N.B. If you are a Personal Member, but your employer is 
paying, they will still be charged at Personal Member rate.

LA membership no: ___________________________	
Dietary/special requirements (sensory or physical)


Payment of fee

__	Please invoice. Please give name and address 
*	if different from above:
*	____________________________________________________	
*	____________________________________________________
*	(Payment is required within 30 days of invoice)

__	I enclose a cheque for:  £_______________
*	(payable to The Library Association)

__	Please tick if a receipt is required
*	OR
*	__	Please debit by credit card for: £_________   

Card no: ___________________________________

Expiry date: _________________________________

Signature: ___________________________________

Name of cardholder:_______________________

Cancellation of a confirmed booking on the day will incur the full fee, or
if received 7 working days prior to the event, 50% of the fee will be due.

Please return to:
Professional Development, LA Enterprises, The Library Association, 7
Ridgmount Street, London, WC1E 7AE
or fax us on 020 7255 0561.
