

On 08-Aug-00 Ted Harding wrote:
> Good morning folks,
> I've just been listening to this morning's news report of a study
> which tested the UK "NHS Direct" [phone-in medical advice service].

Very interesting ....

The test was reported by "Health Which". I've just been to the "Which"

where you can click on "Health" in the left-hand panel. Then you get
to a page which lists available reports. "Highlight a report below,
then click GO". So scroll down till you get to "NHS Direct - August 2000".
HIghlight this, and click on GO. I got the result:

  The page you requested may have been moved or deleted. 
  You can browse Which? Online using the menu on the left
  of this screen.

Well, maybe it hasn't been installed yet, even if the reports list
gives its title.


E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[log in to unmask]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 284 7749
Date: 08-Aug-00                                       Time: 10:22:42
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