I am disturbed by some of the recent material  appearing on our mailbase purporting to examine RK's views,observations and comments on ethnic groups. Kipling died in 1936; at that time the word racism was but word in a dictionary - that was to be changed  with appalling and abusive effect by Adolf Schicklgruber(aka Hitler).
RK wrote with clarity, feeling and inspiration, he was not tainted with malevolent feelings towards humankind; I find it offensive to say the least that statements like:
'Kipling's works is(sic) not racist( this may not be easy)'
and 'Kipling was racist but in a forgiveable way' appear on the mailbase and couple him, albeit remotely, with Schicklgruber's philosophy.I assume these statements are made in the cause of  a greater knowledge of  RK's works.They fall, in my mind, into the category of those iconoclasts who seek to prove him perverted.
We should not pander to this questionable line of enquiry.
The racist lobby in this country needs no encouragement from the Society. We should not be drawn into any attempt to either justify RK or condemn him on the bizarre and questionable subject of RACISM.
RK observed life as he saw it.
Should anyone wish to question my 'ethnic' position:
I shared school desk and board with Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians from a variety of ethnic backgrounds.The word' RACE' was  never mentioned. I also enjoy the privilege of having a  wonderful son-in-law who comes from Grenada.(he enjoys Kipling too!)
Michael Jefferson