

Dear Ox-users,
I am trying to open an excel file in Ox. The first columns in file contains product names (i.e., strings) followed by sales figures for those products . I am unclear how I might open this file in Ox and be able to use both the product names and the sales figures. Also, if I have an array or vector of strings and a matrix of numbers, how might I concatenate them and save them as one file (preferably excel).
Thanks in advance.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kyriakos M. Chourdakis [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 4:09 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Complex Matrix Decomopositions

Dear All,
I am working on Fourier transforms, and therefore I want to evaluate the exponential of a matrix, say
E=exp(A+iB). The matrices A and B do not commute, hence (I guess!) the exponential cannot be split into real and imaginary parts explicitly.
Equivalently, I could be looking for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix A+iB; the exponential is then calculated trivially.
I have tried the Taylor expansion exp(A+iB)=sum([A+iB]^n/n!,n=0..Inf), but the numerical errors become explosive very quickly.
Ox does not seem to accept a complex matrix as an input, in the eigen() function (It has to be mXm not 2mXm). Does anyone know any trick for solving this kind of eigenproblems? For instance, any relations between the eigenvalues and -vectors of the matrix A+iB with the eigenvalues and -vectors of its components A and B would be very helpful. Can this complex eigenproblem be represented into an eigenproblem where the matrices are real valued?
Thanks in advance,
Kyriakos M. Chourdakis
Dept. of Economics,
QMW College,