

Kwildgen wrote:

>    Are you sure they're peacock feathers
and not just  feathers with eyes? The seraphim,
widely depicted in Romanesque art, usually
have six wings per side (I think) and sometimes
with eyes. I also think the  source is the
Apocalypse, or possibly _The Celestial

I'll let someone more qualified (and with more time or an even worse sense
of priorities than I) check out Ps.-D, but the relevant passage from the
Apocalypse is 4:8:

And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings,
are full of eyes all round and within, and day and night they
never cease to sing, "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God
Almighty, who was and is and is to come!" (RSV)

et quattuor animalia singula eorum habebant alas senas
et in circuitu et intus plena sunt oculis et requiem non
habent die et nocte dicentia sanctus sanctus sanctus
Dominus Deus omnipotens qui erat et qui est et qui
venturus est (Vg.)

This verse of John's revelation alludes to Ezekiel's vision as recorded in
Ezekiel 1, in which the creatures have but four wings each (v. 6), and it's
the rims of the wheels (which hold the spirit of the living creatures (v.
20)) that have eyes, rather than the wings (v. 18).


John McChesney-Young  ** [log in to unmask] **  Berkeley, California, USA
