

Dear Paul V

It is a tall order to find a quote that sums up RK's life and work without turning to his works. Here is one, though, which comes from his autobiography rather than his tales, which may be useful:

'...a man must needs love anything that he has worked and suffered under'. (Something of Myself, Chapter III)

But I am circulating your note to my colleagues in the Society to see if anyone comes up with anything better.

All good wishes, John Radcliffe
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Paul V 
  To: kipling 
  Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2000 6:50 PM
  Subject: Kipling quote

  I have to give a presentation on Kipling to my English class.  For one part of the presentation I have to give a quote from Kipling that basically sums up his life and work, his philosophy for living.  I would prefer it to be something he said, not a quote taken out of his work.  Can anybody help?